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Virtual classrooms, the lastest trend in business training

Posted: 03 / 09 / 2019
Virtual classrooms, the lastest trend in business training
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The online training is nowadays the most frequently used educative model in the corporate sector, regardless of the business typology or the niche the company is settled in. The advantages that this system offers, such as time and cost savings, flexibility or accessibility, among others, make it an essential tool for the learning process of the employees.

And this has a great impact on companies. Business training is one of the fields that is going through more changes, and currently, virtual teaching is acquiring a great protagonism in Human Resources departments.

That is why online training is nowadays the most frequently used educative model in the corporate sector, regardless of the business typology or the niche the company is settled in. The advantages that this system offers, such as time and cost savings, flexibility or accessibility, among others, make it an essential tool for the learning process of the employees.

Nevertheless, this online formation must not be limited exclusively for those employees who are doing an online course with interactive content but must go a step further and become a school of companies that offers attendees the possibility of learning online with as much interactivity as possible.

In this sense, using business virtual rooms have a special importance, which are a series of tools that enable to create immersive experiences and very real for the training of the employees. They are like a virtual campus but adapted to the campus' staff, that provide to their professionals more resources and fewer limitations than the conventional methods.

Advantages of Virtual Rooms for companies

This kind of virtual platforms adapted to the training of the companies supports the teamwork through social and cooperative learning. Advanced online training is a key point for corporate development, and virtual rooms have become the perfect complement for a learning process that enables both employees and employers to acquire new competences and professional skills. 

Its benefits are unlimited, not only when it comes to travel and material savings, but also because they cover several essential aspects. These are the main advantages of Virtual Rooms:

 Wide accessibility and interaction

Thanks to the fast progress of technology, nowadays we can "attend" virtual classes from our mobile phones, tablets, laptops ad computers, when, where and how we want. This kind of teaching removes the geographical and time barriers, by providing employees with any content in real time.

The scenarios they reproduce also allow for full interaction with the audience, who can ask questions, debate and connect with the rest of the members, sharing knowledge, experiences and encouraging teamwork.

High level of customisation 

With the aim of meeting specific needs, these virtual platforms allow training courses to be completely customised, as they allow companies to install specific plug-ins and design each of the elements that make up the virtual classroom. In fact, it is not only possible to adapt the subjects or functionalities, but also the appearance. This is one of the most outstanding advantages, as it is possible to create 100% immersive environments thanks to the use of 3D avatars. Each of them imitates realistically each of the attendees, who will also be able to communicate in real time through voice-over-IP applications.

The use of virtual rooms for training the employees is, without doubt, a garanty of success, not only for the company, but also for the employees.

 4 Reasons to use 3D virtual worlds in training

The training actions along with digital experiences are a reality of many companies. There are many reasons that lead HR managers to choose these alternatives. Among the most important ones, we can highlight the following:

1. The 3D Virtual environments are designed to provide digital experiences of collaborative learning.  That is why its applying in corporate training activities is essential. The possibilities that the virtual world offer are very wide, and all of them ensure that those who take part have a totally different experience to what was achieved with conventional learning.

In this sense, the progress of technology has brought very innovative elements that enrich them to the maximum and provide them with a very important added value. One of the most successful innovations in virtual classrooms is the use of interactive 3D avatars, a Virtway Events proposal that enables the creation of very real and immersive environments within virtual worlds. Each avatar can be customised with multiple options and allows you to feel as if you are present without actually being there.

2. 3D Virtual worlds are collaborative spaces that are perfectly adapted to the activities that characterise informal learning.

Attendees have the opportunity of observing and participating in different training activities where they can apply the principle of "learn by doing".

3. Virtual classrooms also promote Authentic Learning, represented by those training techniques that focus on creating a connection between what is taught and real-world situations. In this way, virtual worlds are designed to create simulated environments in which to discuss and assimilate concepts and realities that occur on a daily basis in the working day.

4. The new virtual company training platforms not only allow the development of specific competences for each subject they deal with, but also promote a series of other essential transversal competences such as teamwork and communication.